
For the full Board of Regents Policy on tuition 分类 and waivers, please 参见佐治亚大学政策系统.


A USG institution may award out-of-state tuition 微分 waivers and assess in-state 在下列条件下,某些非乔治亚州居民的学费. 尽管 any provision in this policy, no person who is unable to show by the required evidence that they are lawfully in the United States shall be eligible for any waiver of tuition 微分. 各院校应遵守颁发奖项的程序 州外学费减免s as established by the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic 事务及首席学术官. 包含居住状态的定义 在校董会 政策4.3.



Students who have been classified as out-of-state for tuition purposes who believe that the submission of additional information could alter that decision may submit the 以上 petition and supporting documentation to request to be considered for re分类 给州内居民. 鼓励学生阅读有关的完整政策 在表格上有资格更改居住状态. 请愿书应该 be submitted with all necessary documentation attached, at one time, so a decision 可以准确地呈现. 此外,我们鼓励学生尽可能多地提交 documentation as he/she deems necessary to support the request for in-state tuition 分类. 居住情况的举证责任最终 由学生决定. 可以要求提供支持请愿书的其他文件 由学费分类主任负责. 


In some cases, students may not meet eligibility requirements to qualify as a resident of Georgia and be assessed in-state tuition; however, they may be eligible for an 州外学费减免.  不像学费分类请愿书,豁免 are valid for a limited period of time usually up to 12-consecutive months or as long 因为该学生仍在继续注册. 学生批准接受豁免 remain classified as a Non-Resident, but the out-of-state portion of their tuition 会被商务办公室豁免吗. 一旦豁免到期或学生已经 入学中断后,他/她将回到收取州外学费的状态. It is the student’s responsibility to select the appropriate form suitable for his/her unique situation and submit the documents necessary to support the selected waiver. All waiver applications and documents must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar 进行评估并作出决定. 学生将被通知决定 通过电子邮件传递信件. 下面列出的是潜在的州外学费 学生可能有资格获得:


Waiver is available to students attending the Augusta campus living in Aiken or Edgefield county, South Carolina; please see the full policy information located on the form 以上.


边境州弃权书s: Undergraduate students domiciled in another state bordering 格鲁吉亚受下列条件约束. 每年,校长应进行审查 the enrollment levels at each USG institution to determine whether any USG institutions have sufficient excess capacity to increase recruitment of students from neighboring 州. Should the Chancellor determine that cause exists to activate the Border Residents Waiver, the Chancellor or his designee will present the list of institutions to the 校董会学术事务委员会批准. 如果一个机构 given permission to award the Border Residents Waiver, it will be allowed to do so 在接下来的三个学年里. 任何获得边境奖学金的本科生 Residents Waiver will remain qualified for the waiver so long as he or she is continuously enrolled during fall and spring semesters at the institution that awarded the waiver.

  • Note: Once the waiver has been applied to your account you will still be classified 作为乔治亚州的非居民:但是,您的帐户将反映 州内学费.


豁免适用于U.S. 公民、永久居民和其他符合条件的非公民 (dependent or independent students) that can provide clear and convincing evidence 学生(或学生家长)搬到乔治亚州接受全日制教育, self-sustaining employment; please see the full policy information located on the 形式上面.  


Waiver applies to full-time employees in the public schools of Georgia or Technical College System of Georgia, their spouses and/or their dependent children; please see 完整的保单信息位于上面的表格上.





  1. 军事赞助国目前驻扎在格鲁吉亚或被派往格鲁吉亚;
  2. The military sponsor previously stationed in or assigned to Georgia is reassigned outside of Georgia and the student(s) remain(s) continuously enrolled in a Georgia high school, Technical College System of Georgia institution and/or a University System 佐治亚大学;
  3. The military sponsor is reassigned outside of Georgia and the spouse and/or dependent 儿童留在格鲁吉亚;
  4. 军事赞助者驻扎在一个毗邻格鲁吉亚边境的州 现居乔治亚州;
  5. Dependent children of a military sponsor, previously stationed in or assigned to Georgia within the previous five years or the child completed at least one year of high school in Georgia; or
  6. Any student utilizing VA educational benefits transferred from a currently serving military member is also eligible; please see the full policy information located on 上面的表单.


乔治亚州国民警卫队的现役队员 驻扎在格鲁吉亚或被派往格鲁吉亚或美国军队的现役成员.S. 军事 Reserves based in Georgia, and their spouses and/or their dependent children; please 请参阅上面表格上的完整保单信息.  


失散军人 from a uniformed military service of the United States who meet one of the following:

  1. Individuals who within thirty-six (36) months of separation from such service, enroll 在一个学术项目,并表明有意成为在格鲁吉亚定居. 这 waiver may also be granted to their spouses and dependent children; or
  2. Any separated service member or any student utilizing transferred VA educational benefits, and physically residing in the state, who enrolls within 120 months of separation; or
  3. 任何在38美国描述的个人.S.C. 3679(c); please see the full policy information 位于上面的表格.


免责声明适用于24岁以下的学生,其父母或美国学生.S. 法院指定的法定监护人 在格鲁吉亚保持住所至少连续12个月 preceding the start of an upcoming term and can provide clear and convincing evidence 显示与父节点或U节点的关系.S. 法院指定的法定监护人 student 24 years old or older providing clear and legal evidence showing relations to a spouse who has been domiciled in Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the start of an upcoming term; please see the full policy information located 在上面的表格上. 


Waiver​ applies to students meeting requirements in one of three categories--Academic, Athletic and 国际; please see the full policy information 在上面的表格上. 请参阅 总统豁免政策 了解更多信息.


Waiver applies to teachers employed full-time on military bases in Georgia; please 请参阅上面表格上的完整政策和要求. 


Waiver applies to full-time employees of the 佐治亚大学系统, their spouses and their dependent children; please see the full policy and requirements located 在上面的表格上.





​Waiver applies to State of Georgia residents, 62 years of age or older; please see 完整的政策和要求位于上面的表格.